La Madrugá and Good Friday processions in Seville, Spain

Описание к видео La Madrugá and Good Friday processions in Seville, Spain

Semana Santa, or Holy Week, processions are unparalleled for their scale and organization in Seville, Spain. Sixty official processions take place over the course of the week, and another dozen in the days just before Palm Sunday.

La Madrugá is the night and dawn between Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Some of the most solemn processions take place during this time. Hours later, eight more processions take place on the evening of Good Friday.

This video features the confraternities La Macarena—with the largest and one of the most popular processions, El Silencio, El Gran Poder, El Cachorro, and Confraternity de la O in their 2016 processions.

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This video is part of Catholics & Cultures, an initiative of the Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. Visit


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