Texas Foreclosure Process

Описание к видео Texas Foreclosure Process

Texas is one of the easiest and fastest states for lenders to foreclose on an investment property. Rocky Butani interviewed Randy Newman from Total Lender Solutions to learn about the foreclosure process in Texas.

Visit TLS' profile on our website to learn about their foreclosure services in Texas and 4 other states: https://pllk.io/tls

00:00 Introduction
00:41 What is the foreclosure process in TX?
02:40 Junior liens foreclosure in TX
03:25 Process Recap
04:11 Conclusion

Private Lender Link, Inc. is licensed by the California Department of Real Estate (CA DRE Lic. 02057741). Rocky Butani is the company's designated officer: CA DRE Broker Lic. 01893537


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