45-Day Javascript Bootcamp - Now on Udemy

Описание к видео 45-Day Javascript Bootcamp - Now on Udemy

Our brand new ​45-day JavaScript Bootcamp​ is our biggest and boldest course launch ever. Watch a free preview: https://www.videoschool.com/javascript

32+ hours of video lessons ▶️
Learn with real world projects 🖥️
True instructor support when you need help 🤝
Created for the 2024 learner 😎

🤯 And it's still ​only $9.99​ during launch week.

✅ Start a new career
✅ Land your dream job
✅ Get a promotion
✅ Create websites & apps you imagine

These are just some of the reasons to learn JavaScript - and in the next 7 weeks, you can go from absolute beginner with zero experience to advanced programmer.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Lessons are short and on point and Noah explains the concepts very well. Very easy to follow!" - Daniel V.

If you've ever been curious about learning a high-paying tech skill, let us help you.
Students love your lead instructor, Noah Glaser, a JavaScript expert with a background in live trainings.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "wow" -Sylvester W.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Noah is a terrific instructor who can easily explain difficult concepts to the layperson." - Reece L.

​Watch a Free Preview of the Course​

With our 30-day moneyback guarantee, there is NO REASON TO HESITATE.
​Get lifetime access for just $9.99 right now​
🛑 You'll never see a lower price for this course. 🛑
See you in day 1.
Phil & Noah


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