When Building Altars Opens Gateways to Heaven – James Aladiran | Ramp Church Manchester

Описание к видео When Building Altars Opens Gateways to Heaven – James Aladiran | Ramp Church Manchester

Our Christian lives are not oriented around a destination but around the journey itself. We’re
meant to continually grow in and explore God, not arrive at the point of salvation and settle
there. In order to mature in Christ, we must hear what God is telling us and obey him.

In this message, James Aladiran mirrors our own faith journeys to that of Abraham, the
father of our faith. In Genesis 12, Abraham hears God’s word to leave his father’s house and
journey to an unknown land. He obeys even without full understanding of where God is
leading him. Not only does he obey, but he builds altars to God along the way, which, as
James shows, become gateways between earth and heaven.

In a similar way, we’re called to cut ties with our old ways and follow Jesus. As we follow, we build altars of prayer, worship, and sacrifice, committing to the journey God has given us.
The main point is this: We must obey God’s word, commit to journey to the fullness of that
word, and in the middle of it all, build altars of prayer and worship.
Let’s respond and not settle for less than the high call of following Jesus!

Genesis 12:1–8
Genesis 28:10–20
Matthew 16:17–20

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