The TOP 5 Causes of FOOT PAIN!

Описание к видео The TOP 5 Causes of FOOT PAIN!

This video identifies the Top 5 causes of Foot Pain! Foot pain diagnosis can be challenging. Here we feature plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma, midfoot osteoarthritis, hallux rigidus (big toe arthritis) & hallux valgus (bunion). Foot pain can be debilitating, and can be associated with foot swelling, foot bony pain & foot soft tissue pain. We also explore the areas of pain where pathology is located around the foot, including heel pain, midfoot pain, big toe pain & pain with shoewear.

#footpain #heelpain #Morton'sneuroma #plantarfasciitis #midfootarthritis #halluxvalgus #bunion #halluxrigidus


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