IATLC 2018-Darcy Rogers, founder of Organic World Language Keynote Speech

Описание к видео IATLC 2018-Darcy Rogers, founder of Organic World Language Keynote Speech

Darcy Rogers, founder of Organic World Language, was the keynote speaker at the 2018 Annual Conference of The Idaho Association of Teachers of Language and Culture.

The Conference was held in Nampa, Idaho.

Darcy Rogers-Biography

Darcy is the Founder of Organic World Language (OWL), and began developing the methodology in 2003. Her work is based on second language acquisition research, student motivation, and best teaching practices. Focusing on creating a space for second language to be naturally acquired, she believes in placing emphasis on students developing language through movement, social interaction, play and 100% immersion. The key element is the importance of creating community in the classroom while putting the student in the center as the curriculum. Darcy received her Bachelors in Spanish and Education from Western Oregon University and her Masters in Spanish Literature from University of Northern Iowa, Tec de Monterrey en Querétaro, México. She has 14 years teaching experience and for the past three years has been presenting at national conferences and working with schools to implement OWL internationally.

Source: http://owlanguage.com/people/darcy-ro...


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