How To Expand The Fender Switchboard Looper Using The Mini Effect Gizmo X (MEGX)

Описание к видео How To Expand The Fender Switchboard Looper Using The Mini Effect Gizmo X (MEGX)

Ron Menelli and Sheri Menelli of RJM Music Technology team up with Josh Chapman of Fender to discuss expanding your guitar loop switcher capabilities using the Mini Effect Gizmo X.

Josh, Sheri and Ron talk about the Switchboard, a loop switching product developed together by RJM and Fender, and introduce solutions for increasing the number of pedals a player can control beyond the standard five loops provided by the Switchboard. Josh shares his setup, controlling ten effects pedals through switcher loops and MIDI, emphasizing the benefits of MIDI integration for managing extensive pedal configurations.

The conversation also covers practical steps for adding both MIDI and non-MIDI pedals to a setup, utilizing PDF guides to visualize basic to complex setups for pedal management. Although this video talks about the Switchboard, the lessons taught here can apply to almost any switcher, including the RJM Mastermind PBC/6X and PBC/10.

This detailed look at expanding pedal board capacity aims to help guitarists achieve their desired sound setups, illustrating the switchboard's adaptability and potential for customization through MIDI.

To learn more about the Fender Switchboard:

To learn more about the Mini Effect Gizmo X:

00:00 Introduction to Expanding Your Looper with Fender and RJM Music
00:26 Understanding the Switchboard: Basics and Expansion
01:08 Expanding Beyond Five Loops: Strategies and Solutions
04:08 Diving into MIDI: The Key to Unlimited Control
10:39 Exploring the Mini Effect Gizmo X: A Game-Changer for Pedalboards
14:36 Advanced Setup: Maximizing Flexibility and Control
21:40 The Ultimate Pedalboard Expansion: MIDI Mastery and Beyond
25:08 Conclusion and Further Resources


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