LIVE | The Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas

Описание к видео LIVE | The Vestition Ceremony of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas

Having completed the postulancy, four young women will receive the habit.
10:44 - Ceremony Begins
14:21 - Sermon
37:12 - Prostration in the Form of a Cross
41:40 - Receiving the Habit
54:54 - Cutting of the Hair & Receiving of the Veil
1:09:34 - Blessing of the Rosaries
1:12:00 - Receiving the Crucifix
1:18:31 - Crowning with Thorns & the Naming of the Sister
1:27:32 - Te Deum & Kiss of Peace
The Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas. Saturday, May 27. The ceremony follows the celebration of Holy Mass. Please consider donating to cover the cost of the live stream:


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