Rebarreling a Remington 700.

Описание к видео Rebarreling a Remington 700.

In this segment, I interrupt the parade of Kimbers to rebarrel a Remington 700. I had first put this rifle together in 1989, as a 7mm STW. That barrel was a chromoly Shilen. It was damaged when some insect chose to die and decompose in the barrel. The resultant deep pitting made the barrel unsalvageable. The owner chose to go with the 300 Win.Mag this time around. During the chambering process, I discovered a manufacturing defect on my PTG match grade (?) reamer and was mad at myself for not seeing it sooner. I have a second reamer, so all was not lost. The faulty reamer will be going back.
For part of this video, I enlisted the assistance of my part time camera person. For the rest, I did it myself. I think the dedicated operator works better. I tell her I'm just the on screen talent!
In a later video, I'll be making and installing a muzzle brake on this barrel.


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