My First Battery Swap NIO ES8 in Norway (Drammen) during EVS35

Описание к видео My First Battery Swap NIO ES8 in Norway (Drammen) during EVS35

Here we go, my very first Battery Swap ever. (Well if you don't count scooters and so on!)
This week NIO will open their Berlin Battery Swap station. I will have to visit in November! #BerlinChallenge time!
This video was shot during EVS35 early summer in Oslo, on our way home to The Netherlands (by ferry) Matthijs Kok (Gemeente Utrecht) and I could just squeeze in a visit to NIO's very first European Battery Swap station! Thanks to everyone involved!

Enjoy the ride, newsletter soon!

0:24 Checking out the Fast Charging Station
2:15 Start the Fast Charger (for the IONIQ5)
3:33 Simulating ride to the Battery Swap Station
5:50 Requesting Battery Swap
8:20 Parking in front of Battery Swap Station
9:38 Not waiting inside(!)
9:57 Battery Swap Starting!
13:00 Swap Complete


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