Applying CCF in Boreal Pine Forests

Описание к видео Applying CCF in Boreal Pine Forests

This Webinar is hosted by CCFG and features Sauli Valkonen who delivers a 30 minute presentation on the topic. This is followed by a question and answer session from participants.

Sauli Valkonen lives in Coastal Pernaja near the Finnish capital, Helsinki and he works as a researcher at the Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke). For about 20 years, his focus has been on Continuous Cover Forestry, including silvicultural, ecological, and management issues. The Nordic boreal forests dominated by Norway spruce and Scots pine have been his main playground, with research on CCF conducted in Europe, California and East Africa. He has long-lasting ties to UK forests and forestry, beginning with a student traineeship at Forestry Commission in Wales (Aberystwyth). English football and tea (and the Tube) are dear to his heart.


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