Containers First Lock Boxes Explained

Описание к видео Containers First Lock Boxes Explained - Hi there, I'm down in the yard today and what I really wanted to show you is a shipping container security lock box and explain why these are so important if you're using your container for general storage. Now a traditional shipping container, believe it or not, is not designed to be locked with a traditional padlock. Most shipping containers come with four locking bars like this. And right here, instead of putting a padlock, they just put a security tag, and then the container is loaded onto a ship. Now if you're using a container for static storage, and you've got four bars with four locking points, it really does mean that you're either going to have to use for padlocks or one single padlock which is much more susceptible to security breaches. So when you put a normal padlock on this locking point here, the issue you might have is it's very easily accessible for bolt cutters or a grinder.
The way to solve that is to add a security lockbox to your shipping container. Now the big advantage of a security lockbox is that you cannot access the padlock easily with bolt cutters under here. Yet it is designed to be easy for a specialised shipping container padlock to be locked in the box. Now, these are welded in place upon order. So when you order your container if you decide you want a shipping container lock box, we will weld this in place ready for you to use. Now what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna open up this door and show you the inside of this and how easy it is to use. This particular container has a special feature which is a single locking arm on the main door. Normally, you'd have to jostle two locks to open the door. But in this case, it only takes one bar to swing the door open. This is also a really great feature to have on a shipping container. Okay, so this is what's behind the big locking cover. We have a simple vertical locking point welded in place, and we have this notch now this knot is super important because it stops bolt cutters from going up into the opening, access the padlock. Now traditional U shaped padlock or a normal padlock that you might use can be a little bit tricky to get into this lock box. And it also still leaves the main bar this part of the padlock exposed.
This is a specialised shipping container padlock from Containers First, you can buy these as an accessory. They're not very expensive, and they're very, very good if you want to keep your containers secure. That comes standard with four keys and they do have a couple of features. Firstly, you have this nice big body and just a short pin. This body is very hard to cut through and nearly impossible to cut through. Especially if it's in a lock box. The lock is designed to be easy to use. Now obviously I'm going to do this without the lock cover first, and then I'll lock the container to show you how easy is to put in place. When I do without lock cover. You'll see how it works. When you unlock this particular lock, it has a feature that stops the pin from dropping out of the lock. Very, very handy in this situation, a lot of them do drop out. And a lot of people use them vertically because they drop out now the issue even vertically is if it rains and you don't have a lot cover water can go into the lock into the bar make it very, very difficult to get off. So this combined with our Containers First lock box is the perfect solution to make sure your storage is very secure. You basically you come up in through the bottom of a lockbox, hook it in place, you push the bar up and twist the lock and remove the key, it's as simple as that. Now you can see here that this lock or this block stops anybody coming up with bolt cutters and getting anyway need this bar. The solid bodies very difficult to cut. It's a definitely a deterrent. If somebody was looking to break into this, even if they tried they give up pretty easily. So let's swing this door shut again and I'll show you how easy it is to put in place.
Okay. So like I said before, you could use this lock or any other lock in this position here, but it's completely exposed and somebody who really wanted to get into the container would find that pretty easy to do. With our lockbox, you come in through the bottom, pop it in place. It's a nice big hole for the locking position so you don't actually need to look up in it. I can feel it in place. Turn the key, and happy days, your goods are locked nice and secure inside your shipping container.
So just to wrap up, a combination of lockbox and specialised shipping container padlock is the ideal solution for protecting your stored goods inside a container. If you don't opt for something like this, you do run the risk that somebody can simply come with a pair of bolt cutters, pop the lock off, open up the container, and steal your goods. And that would be the last thing that you would want to have happen.


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