German propaganda film excerpt: He-111 bomber is attacked by British P-36 Mohawk...HD Stock Footage

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German propaganda film excerpt: German He-111 bomber is attacked by British P-36 Mohawk fighters after bombing British convoy

Excerpt from German propaganda film released during World War 2, entitled "Kampfgeschwader Luetzow." Dramatizations: German air attack on British convoy in European Theater during World War II. German officers receive report of bomber strike against British ship and plot results of bombing in headquarters. British crew abandoning burning British transport. Crew in cockpit of German aircraft Heinkel He 111. Formation of British P-36 Mohawk fighter aircraft. they attack the He-111 and hit it with many bullets. German machine gunner fires at P-36. Clouded, horizon in the background. P-36 falls streaming smoke. Another P-36 attacks and kills the German bomber pilot. Gunner runs to cockpit and takes control, shooting down the P-36. A third P-36 attacks and disables the bomber's number one engine, which the crew feathers and shuts down. The He-111 seen flying on number 2 engine only. View of Number one feathered. With bomber in and out of clouds, crewman attempts to keep it straight and level using artificial horizon instrument. With voice radio inoperative, German crewman uses modulated carrier wave (morse code) to send distress message which is received in German Headquarters. Location: European Theater. Date: 1941.

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