Yellowjacket Nest Vs. Garden Hose

Описание к видео Yellowjacket Nest Vs. Garden Hose

A large underground nest belonging to Eastern Yellowjackets is disturbed by a garden hose. The wasps retaliate by swarming the camera, stinging the cameraman and generally having a bad attitude.

Also, this did not kill the wasps or cause them to relocate. The next day I poured moth crystals (crushed up moth balls) around the opening of the hive. Within a day or two the wasps had vacated the nest. To my knowledge the crystals didn't kill them (no corpses) just provided a strong deterrent.

So, if you're like me and rather not kill these important (yet fucking aggressive and down right nasty) insects, that is a method you can try.

In my old age of 24 I've become a bit of a tree hugging liberal softie, I'm afraid.


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