Citizen Kane: Creating Depth and Space

Описание к видео Citizen Kane: Creating Depth and Space

Orson Welles' Citizien Kane is renowned for its deep focus cinematography and use of wide angle lenses. Welles work with cinematogrphaer Gregg Toland to create some of the most beautiful shots ever put to screen. Although wide angle lenses and deep focus were not unknown before Citizen Kane, it was Welles genius which discovered how to use these techniques to create a drama which is often considered amongst the best films of all time. Welles innovations included combining deep focus photography with complex Mise-en-scène, lighting as well as editing to create what is one of the best films of all time.

In this video essay I analyse how Welles used Toland's deep focus shots to enhance the drama within Citizen Kane. In particular I look at hiw Welles minimzed editing and instead relied on Mise-en-Scene in order to direct the audiences attention.

0:00 Introduction
2:25 Shallow Focus
2:58 Toland's Deep Focus Photography
3:36 Welles Innovation
4:59 Mise en Scene
6:25 Lighting
8:08 Editing

#CitizenKane #DeepFocusPhotography #Welles


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