Shadow of the Colossus - Original order of the colossi

Описание к видео Shadow of the Colossus - Original order of the colossi

In this video I show how the order you fought the colossi was once very different to what we see today. There has been evidence for this floating around for years, but it wasn't until recently that it all made sense. For instance an old IGN / Gamespot video has been on Youtube since 2005 showing the 9th boss (Basaran) in position 4!

Dormin's description of each boss is also in this order which you can see by using the SotC viewer. I had known about this for years but it wasn't until Wisi found this different order in the boss sheets data that the penny finally dropped.

IGN video here:

Skyrim Secunda:
   • Видео  

Check out Max Derrat's theory of what these symbols mean here:
   • Hidden Symbolism in Shadow of the Col...  


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