建築師吳勁松、周超:湘西鄉建They Build 20 Houses in Primeval Forests to Offer Real Escape from Busy City

Описание к видео 建築師吳勁松、周超:湘西鄉建They Build 20 Houses in Primeval Forests to Offer Real Escape from Busy City

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90後吳勁鬆與70後周超,是武漢大學建築系的師兄弟,4年前,他們一頭扎進神秘的湘西,在沈從文筆下的“邊城”,建造了一個將原始森林、溶洞、水庫、村落連接在一起的無邊界社區。村民以“1戶1塊錢”的方式入股,獲得分紅。改造完成後,躺在床上就能看到參天古樹,太過癮了!Wu Jinsong, a post-90s young man, and Zhou Chao, born in the 1970s, both graduated from School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University. 4 years ago, they came to the west of Hunan, a mysterious but attractive area as described by the renowned writer Shen Congwen, and they renovated some old houses there into a boundaryless community combining forests, karst caves, reservoirs and villages together. The villagers paid 1 yuan to become a shareholder and receive bonus every year. In the renovated houses, tourists can see huge old trees in bed.

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