Sumo - The Next Generation Duende Didgeridoo

Описание к видео Sumo - The Next Generation Duende Didgeridoo

Sumo is our vision of the next generation Duende Didgeridoo.
We feel that the future belongs to a classical design, performed in extreme excellence. The twist is that it is observed under a different angle and consequently it comes with a set of new superpowers. Sumo is the master of soft drumming, singing and old-school fat sound. At the same time, it combines incredible versatility and comfort of playing. Sumo is made in beautiful wood and sounds way bigger than its compact size should allow. We could argue that Sumo is the biggest sounding didgeridoo for its size. It is one of the most important didgeridoos we have ever designed.

More info about Sumo didgeridoo at:

Nebezdan album at:


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