Here it is... The lore you're (maybe idk) all been waiting for... Plus a new character :D

Описание к видео Here it is... The lore you're (maybe idk) all been waiting for... Plus a new character :D

So let's just ignore how I casually forgot to put background music in, but I'm not about to spen another hour (yes, an hour) of my life trying to get this freaking video file from capcut, to youtube. This stupid freaking file gave me the hardest time istg im gonna- y'know what- end me.

Anywho, annoying files aside, I have... NOT WORKED ON BASICALLY WOF AT ALL SINCE MY LAST UPLOAD!!!!11!!1!!1!!1!! uh- yeah-
also i just graduated middle school yay

I made like four more characters. thats all. not even close to episode one. well actually, scratch that. Im somewhat close to maybe starting episode one.

have fun and enjoy life!


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