David Fincher, "Zodiac" & Final Cut Studio

Описание к видео David Fincher, "Zodiac" & Final Cut Studio

A David Fincher interview on the 2007 film "Zodiac".

This video was on the Apple website when Zodiac was just about to be released.

Zodiac is a period film about the Zodiac killer and the media circus that surrounded it all in the late sixties and early seventies in the San Francisco area.

Here you get a look at the editing of the film, something I wish they would do more on home release formats and the like...

Zodiac was shot mostly digitally using Viper Cam and then edited using Final Cut Pro (6) by Angus Wall (A.C.E.).

I hope you enjoy it. It's Apple's video, not mine, but I don't think it's on the site anymore.

It's a great movie. Very well made, and I would highly recommend it to all Fincher fans.


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