Predator Alert Tool for Facebook - Quick Introduction

Описание к видео Predator Alert Tool for Facebook - Quick Introduction

The Predator Alert Tool for Facebook helps survivors of sexual violence connect with other survivors in their social networks and start conversations with friends about consent.

Up to 85% of rapes are committed by someone the survivor already knows.[0] And nearly 70% of American adults use Facebook.[1] This means it's likely that a survivor of sexual violence is Facebook friends, or friends-of-friends, with the person who attacked them.

The Predator Alert Tool is a free app you can add to your Facebook account.

Unlike websites that only allow survivors to share their stories publicly, the Predator Alert Tool's core feature is its visibility settings. You can choose to share your story publicly, but you can also share with friends only, or with other users who have shared information about the same person you did. Whether you want to post anonymously or reveal your identity is also up to you.

[FADE TO TEXT: How does it work?]


Imagine I have a bad experience with someone I thought I could trust—and that I know how to find that person on Facebook. Here's what I do.

First, I log into the app by going to

From my Dashboard, I click "Share information".

Here, I can write about what happened. I can include anything I want my friends to know, or that I think will help keep other people safe.

When I'm done, I link what I've written to the Facebook user who violated my consent. This person won't receive any notification from Facebook that I've mentioned them.

Next, I choose who can read what I've shared, and whether I want to post anonymously. Then, I click "Share."

PAT-Facebook saves my story and automatically searches for other stories that are about the same person as mine. Look, it found one. I can click to read it, and now I know I'm not alone.

[FADE TO TEXT: Predator Alert Tool ]

Made by survivors for survivors, the Predator Alert Tool makes it easier to share experiences that may be difficult to talk about openly, giving us an opportunity to tell our stories while choosing who gets to hear them. It helps us, our friends, and our allies connect, stay safe, and stay informed.



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