Life Is To Short To Be Miserable

Описание к видео Life Is To Short To Be Miserable

Natalie explains why life is too short to miserable.

Life is too short to be miserable. It's really, really important to look after your happiness in life, because otherwise, what's the point? One of the things that makes me really happy is being at the beach in the sunshine and really getting to experience a different way of life. So it's slower paced. Now that doesn't mean that eight things happen. I really love what I do in our property business, in our coaching business, and through hosting our retreats. I love being able to deliver and that brings me joy when I can do this from such locations as Majorca. Everything for me becomes so much happier, the happier, the more money you're going to make, the better you're going to have. And this is why it's so important to really look into what it is that makes you happy. Not everybody knows this, and that's perfectly okay, but what's important is to explore, to find things out, to try new things, to figure out what it that makes you happy. The happy you are, the more you smile, the the more you smile, your brain is going to be firing on different cylinders. On you're going to create new normal pathways, and things are going to flow much easier for you than if you're miserable. Life is too short to be miserable. urable So, what I'd really love for you to do is list out 10 things that make you happy, and really start to explore how being happy. I can help your life.


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