Tales of Xillia Leia Solo: Gaius 2 [No Items/Unknown/No Damage]

Описание к видео Tales of Xillia Leia Solo: Gaius 2 [No Items/Unknown/No Damage]

Ignore the graphical glitch with my AC gauge at the end there lol. In any case, only the final boss lies ahead... will Leia be able to stop Gaius and Muzet?

Game Modifications:
-Modified the party
-Used an OVL script to activate OVL

This fight is very similar to Gaius 1 but with one big difference: he no longer uses Sonic Thrust as a counter and has Tiger Blade as a counter instead. Tiger Blade is very quick and difficult to dodge compared to all of his other attacks. I can dodge it with two consecutive backsteps, but the speed at which the arte comes out is probably the biggest threat here. Since the attacks I generally use to bait out his counters are high committal, it can be very hard to dodge this arte. However, Sonic Thrust prevented me from doing anything aerial related in the first Gaius fight and I do not have that issue here. A good and fairly consistent way I found to bait and dodge Tiger Blade at the same time was to do two up-tilt normals-Staff Rain-Darting Claw. Enemies have an interesting property where if they are close to the ground but in the air when a counter is procced, the counter will activate when they become grounded instead of just doing it in mid-air. I can abuse this AI quirk with the 2nd up-tilt normal which knocks Gaius up and then holding him in place for a little bit longer with Staff Rain if I didn't already proc the Tiger Blade. If I don't proc a counter, then I'll knock Gaius away with Rabid Lunge instead of going for a Darting Claw to dodge. Lastly, this is a consistent strat because Gaius's only mid-air counter is Tiger Blade so I don't have to worry about any other counter ruining my day (although theoretically I should be able to dodge all of his other counters with this too lol)

Decided to finish the fight off with an MA since I wanted to show it off at least once :p

Battle Vs. (Renegade) Cynthia from Pokémon Masters EX


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