20. Tissue Culture for Remediating Infected Plants with Hope Jones

Описание к видео 20. Tissue Culture for Remediating Infected Plants with Hope Jones

This episode’s guest is Hope Jones. She is the CEO of Superior Phenos, LLC, a hemp young plant production company in Arizona and CEO of Emergent Cannabis Sciences, an international cannabis and micropropagation consulting company with clients in Colombia, Australia, Germany and Canada.

Dr. Jones has deep expertise in both hemp and cannabis often serving as an expert consultant on forming policy at the state and federal levels. NASA also tapped her micropropogation expertise to develop programs for growing plants on deep space missions.

In our conversation, we talked a lot about tissue culture, as Dr. Jones will be leading a panel on the topic at CannMed 2021. We covered:

How cultivators use tissue culture to remediate plants that are infected with pathogens such as powdery mildew and Hop Latent Viroid
How the COVID 19 pandemic has made Hope’s conversations with cultivators about plant virus and pathogen infections easier
How tissue culture can produce changes to the plant’s DNA
Why alcohol is not an effective anti-viral solution for plants
How cryogenic storage of tissue cultured mother plants can be used as an insurance policy against pathogen infection or other disasters

Additional Resources:
Emergent Cannabis Sciences (https://www.ecsciences.com/)
Archive of Articles Hope has written for Cannabis Industry Journal (https://cannabisindustryjournal.com/t...)
CannMed Coffee Talk 17 with Mark Jordan (https://cannmedevents.com/2020/11/11/...)


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