#19 BUFORD PUSSER: The Other Story "The White Iris and the Pecan Farm"

Описание к видео #19 BUFORD PUSSER: The Other Story "The White Iris and the Pecan Farm"

This episode tells about the White Iris and the Pecan Farm and how tourists would visit these business only to be swindle out of their money through a gambling schemed called the "Razzle Game."

Sheriff Buford Pusser knew these establishments and the game being played there, however, much as with the laws pertaining to the sale of hard liquor, Sheriff Pusser did nothing to stop tourist from becoming victims of the game.

This story come directly from the FBI files of Toehead White. Dennis Hathcock shares his knowledge regarding the White Iris, the Pecan Farm, and the "Razzle Game.

SUGGESTION: If you are new to this channel, start with episode #1 and work your way forward as the story is told in chronological order for proper context.


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