DevOps Vs. SRE: Competing Standards or Friends? (Cloud Next '19)

Описание к видео DevOps Vs. SRE: Competing Standards or Friends? (Cloud Next '19)

Google has been practicing Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) since the early 2000’s but only recently began speaking about it publicly. Some have called SRE “DevOps 2.0,” while others view it as a competing standard. Is SRE the new DevOps? Or is SRE something only large companies can benefit from?

Attendees will learn how SRE and DevOps align, diverge, and disagree.

DevOps vs. SRE →

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Speaker(s): Seth Vargo

Session ID: OPS100
product:DevOps & SRE; fullname:Seth Vargo; event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - General; fullname: Seth Vargo;


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