Guided Selling with Salesforce CPQ

Описание к видео Guided Selling with Salesforce CPQ

Do you know how to set up guided selling in Salesforce CPQ? In this demo video, we'll show you three easy steps to set up guided selling so your reps can easily sift through a large product catalogue quickly, making your sales team more efficient.

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Video transcript:
With Guided Selling from Salesforce CPQ, users can quickly and easily sort through a large product catalog to find exactly what they are looking for. Let's take a look!

At the beginning of the quote creation process, sales reps are presented with a Guided Selling screen which asks a series of targeted questions to help them navigate the product catalog. Each answer dynamically affects the questions that follow. After clicking "Suggest", Guided Selling will return all the products that match their criteria.

Here are 3 steps to set up Guided Selling with Salesforce CPQ

First, create the Process Input Fields, or the questions to be asked during guided selling. Navigate to the Object Manager in Setup and select the Process Input object. Here you can create custom fields for the questions you want to ask the user. For example, if you want to ask about the type of service a customer has requested, create a Picklist field called Service Type and enter the service options as Picklist values.

Next, create fields on the product object that match your new Process Input fields. Guided selling looks at the sales rep's answers to the Process Input questions and matches them against the same fields on the Product object in order to return the right products. Navigate to the Product object in Setup to create the exact same fields that were just created for the Process Inputs. And don't forget to then fill out these values on the Products themselves.

And finally, create a new Quote Process for Guided Selling. The Quote Process Object stores all of the parameters you just created for the guided selling prompt. Navigate to the Quote Process object and click New. Give the process a name and enable the checkbox to ensure that all quotes default to this process. After saving, create a new Process Input for each of the Process Inputs we defined earlier.

Next, match the value of the Input field to the value of the Product field to ensure the sales rep's answers return the correct products. Note that you may need to add these values to the picklist before they show up for selection. Now your guided selling process is ready! If you want to make the questions dynamic, you can do so with the process input conditions related list, otherwise all questions will appear at once.

By allowing you to create process inputs for questions you'd like to ask, creating and defining those same fields on the product records themselves, and define a quote process to bring everything together, Salesforce CPQ makes it easy for your sales reps to navigate your product catalog. To find out more, take our admin trail!


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