Employment Challenges and Solutions: A Discussion and Q&A

Описание к видео Employment Challenges and Solutions: A Discussion and Q&A

Interviewer Elizabeth Kwon and Monica Geiger discuss their career experience as women with Turner syndrome,
offering suggestions for getting ready to apply for jobs:
• Role playing the interview process
• Getting and using advice from peers and friends.
Also talking about handling potential issues in the workplace specific to Ts:
• Using your company’s HR resources
• Executive function impacts in day-to-day work
• Creating a good work environment for yourself,
• Balancing deadlines vs. taking time to make sure the work is your best.
And career challenges from job seeking through workplace performance:
• Understanding your own strengths and strategies
• Selecting the right job
• Creating alliances with co-workers and peers with complimentary skills
• Developing strategies
• Selecting the right job
• Workplace communication
• Your right to ask for needed accommodations.
Volunteers like Monica and Elizabeth are available to discuss this topic as well as others. Please contact (https://www.turnersyndrome.org/contact) the office to connect with experienced TS volunteers. (800-365-9944)


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