Removing a Junction Adhesion in the

Описание к видео Removing a Junction Adhesion in the

If chronic shoulder pain were easy to fix, a simple treatment such as an:

❌ adjustment
❌ strengthening
❌ cortisone shot

… would’ve helped.

Most chronic shoulder pain that doesn’t go away, especially if it’s been over 6 months, is caused by ADHESION.

Adhesion is like glue in your muscles.

No amount of stretching or massage will get rid of it.

Here, Dr. Joe finds a junction adhesion.

Junction adhesions are more important than regular adhesions because they impact two muscles negatively instead of just one.

This junction adhesion is between teres minor and infraspinatus.

Dr Joe sinks in between them and finds which direction pulls the tightest.

Then, he applies tension to break it.

The best thing about having chronic shoulder pain is that it tends to respond faster than other body parts (because you can unload it easier than a low back, foot, or neck)

You can expect some percentage of permanent relief so you know you’re on the right track in 2-4 treatments.

Had chronic shoulder pain, or maybe even a rotator cuff or labrum tear for:

✅ over 6 months?
✅ seen at least 3 docs or therapists without relief?

👉Comment below what’s going on and we will see if you’re a candidate for permanent relief with one of our non-surgical chronic pain specialist doctors.

#rotatorcuff #shoulderpain #shoulderpainrelief


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