Elite: Dangerous - So You Want to use the Neutron Highway

Описание к видео Elite: Dangerous - So You Want to use the Neutron Highway

Ship loadout - https://s.orbis.zone/1sv7

Using Neutron boosts doesn't have to be scary. I've only been using this method for a couple hours, and it already feels more routine than risky. Just make sure you have a fuel scoop!

The Neutron Star Route Planner can be found here -

A couple points:

1: 3000ish ly in an hour is right there on the line for my ship's normal jump performance, so I'm not sure if I'm making any great amount of time. I'll have to look closer at that and maybe fine-tune the route planner's settings. I may have to up the route efficiency. I make fewer jumps certainly, but I spend more time in the map and alt tabbing around. Six of one, half a dozen of the other?

2: To be honest, Neutron boosts are a lot easier and a lot less nerve wracking than white dwarf star boosts. A lot less heat, a lot less worry about gravity, a lot more jump range. Kind of baffling to me really. Still, to quote a certain dino-mode Megatron: "Oh well! Mustn't complain."


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