How to multitask effectively - Multitasking tips

Описание к видео How to multitask effectively - Multitasking tips

How do you keep track of all the chores, tasks and obligations in your life every day? Psychologist Dr. Cynthia Green, author of Total Memory Workout, has tips to help you multitask effectively.

Tips on multitasking effectively

We are so driven to get more stuff done in a shorter amount of time that we let important tasks fall through the cracks. Learn how to efficiently multitask by reducing distractions and knowing your limits.

Our attention span is limited. Learn to keep track of only whats important, while avoiding distractions.

Learn to focus. When working on a task, resist the urge to respond to every email and return every phone call.

Use mental games to train yourself to have a longer attention span. Things like games can help build your attention span.

Be organized. Use tools like lists and reminder notes to keep track of everything.

Spend time at the end of the day to regroup and reprocess the information.


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