How I Learned to Write Melodies.

Описание к видео How I Learned to Write Melodies.

One thing led to my development as a songwriter and my overall learning of music: It was simply to learn how to play notes and chords on keyboard. When I learned to play many simple songs on keyboard, I found I could sit down at my digital piano and start playing. I would play random music until the notes started to follow patterns. Soon a song would appear. Once I had music I liked, then I would come up with the words. This method has worked for me many, many times. It's actually one of the easiest things I do in life. I would not make this process into work, nor would I try to learn how to do it scientifically or like a music teacher! I have a master's degree in English, but I don't recommend studying English to write poetry or songs. You'll know when you have a good song when it sounds good, not when it fits some plan or music philosophy or theory.

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Here's how my friend Chris, a music teacher, responded to the same comment that I did about melody notes:

Romel Madray
Top Contributor
· 2d ·
Can anyone point me to specific resources that explain the relationship between notes and pitches and the arrangements of notes together and how to make a melody with notes. For example is melody the arrangment of notes together? Unsure of this

Chris Russell
Top Contributor
Notes function in a key, which is really a scale, so you will want to learn the basics of notes in a scale and the function of each note in the scale.
I would direct you to search out resources on YouTube for basic music theory, or to look at a website like music theory dot net (we don’t put links in Ukelandia), or even a book like Music Theory for Dummies (I am NOT calling you a dummy).
However, there are many musicians and song writers who have never studied music theory a day in their lives. While the rules and terminology will be new and potentially difficult, you are surrounded by basic music theory—particularly as you listen to pop and folk music.
Consider yourself, in music, to be able to speak, but not to be able to read or write (closest comparison). That gives you the ability to recognize a melody and to know when a melody is special (or doesn’t work) without knowing the rules.
And what is really special is when you do know the rules, and you can still enjoy a melody (or song, or longer work) without having to dissect it.


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