Presentation on Postoperative Assessment of the Cornea Current Approaches and Unmet Needs

Описание к видео Presentation on Postoperative Assessment of the Cornea Current Approaches and Unmet Needs

Elizabeth Yeu, MD Partner - Virginia Eye Consultants / Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology - Eastern Virginia Medical School discusses Postoperative Cornea Adjustability at OIS@ASCRS 2019. REGISTER for our next ophthalmology conference today

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This presentation takes place at OIS@ASCRS at the Hilton in San Diego on May 2, 2019.


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About OIS

Ophthalmology Innovation Summit, or OIS for short, facilitates meaningful interactions and the exchange of information between clinical, capital, and corporate leaders to accelerate the development and commercialization of novel therapies to address unmet needs.

The Ophthalmology Innovation Summit programs are presented annually by Healthegy, Inc. as affiliate meetings with American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), Southeastern Congress of Optometry (SECO), and American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS).


Healthegy also is the producer of Aesthetics Innovation Summit (AIS), which unites the clinical, corporate and capital leaders to facilitate the exchange of insights on emerging trends while showcasing exciting new drugs, devices, and technologies for the aesthetics market which is projected to double by 2025.

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