MOVING VLOG EP.1 📦 | Packing + Shopping for moving supplies + Clearing storage unit & more!

Описание к видео MOVING VLOG EP.1 📦 | Packing + Shopping for moving supplies + Clearing storage unit & more!

Hey besties, it is officially 11 more days until we move into our new house!!! 📦🏠

Yes, I said HOUSE! I will be moving into my first home at only 20 years old and I cannot be more excited. The apartment has put us through HELL and back and I am ready to go fr lmao...

In EP.1, we will be doing some house shopping, packing, cleaning, and etc. If you enjoy EP.1, don't forget to like, subscribe & also be on the lookout for EP.2 where I will show you our EMPTY house tour and we also get our keys!!! 💕


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