WH40K: Belisarius Cawl - The Great Work

Описание к видео WH40K: Belisarius Cawl - The Great Work

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Book by Guy Haley
Voiced by John Banks

Art: C'tan shar from Necron Codex
Scythes of the Emperor Space Marine by Brushray
Space Marine gathering, Imperial Palace & The Great Rift map by Gamesworkshop art
Belisarius Cawl and Decimus Felix by rushray

Song: Atom Music Audio - YOUR DESTINY

NOTE: I do not own the song, nor is the art and / or narration from the Audiobook of Belisarius Cawl The Great Work to be mine to claim. This is a fan effort to pay homage to the artists and writer Guy Haley and narrator John Banks as well as give yet another lovely tribute to the dystopian fantasy realm of Warhammer 40k.

Belisarius Cawl, Archmagos Dominus of the Adeptus Mechanicus is the most brilliant mind alive. For 10,000 years he has furthered the cause of mankind, working under the aegis of the Emperor and Lord Commander Roboute Guilliman to prevent the inexorable march of the alien and the traitor. Many call him heretic, but all must recognise the magnitude of his achievements, for who else but he was entrusted to create a new generation of Space Marines? Who else but the great Belisarius Cawl could even accomplish such a task?

Now, in the wake of the Great Rift and the Indomitus Crusade, his ambitions bring him to the long-dead world of Sotha, once home to the Scythes of the Emperor, now a barren wasteland devoured by the vile Tyranids. Accompanied by Tetrarch Felix and his elite warriors, it is here that Cawl believes the lynchpin of his mysterious Great Work lies. But uncovering it is a near impossible task, one in which the Archmagos must overcome an ancient evil that threatens to extinguish the last hope of humanity.

Written by Guy Haley


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