Korol i Shut - Ели мясо мужики Eli mjaso muzhiki (Russian lyrics, English translation)

Описание к видео Korol i Shut - Ели мясо мужики Eli mjaso muzhiki (Russian lyrics, English translation)

The official Korol i Shut website: http://www.korol-i-shut.ru/
Download Король и Шут on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/ko...

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the rightful owners. This is a non-profit presentation for educational purposes only.
Король и Шут - Ели мясо мужики (original Russian lyrics)

За столом сидели мужики и ели.
Мясом конюх угощал своих гостей.
Все расхваливали ужин и хозяин весел был,
О жене своей всё время говорил.

Ели мясо мужики, пивом запивали,
О чём конюх говорил, они не понимали.

"Я узнал недавно: все вы, как ни странно," -
Конюх хриплым голосом проговорил,-
"С моей бабою встречались втайне от меня,
И поэтому всех вас собрал сегодня я."

Ели мясо мужики, пивом запивали,
О чём конюх говорил, они не понимали.

"Я за ней не уследил - в том моя вина,

Ели мясо мужики, пивом запивали,
О чём конюх говорил, они не понимали.
Ели мясо мужики, пивом запивали,
О чём конюх говорил, они не понимали.
Korol' i Shut - Eli mjaso muzhiki (Roman transliteration of the Russian lyrics)

Za stolom sideli muzhiki i eli.
Mjasom konjuh ugoshhal svoih gostej.
Vse rashvalivali uzhin i hozjain vesel byl,
O zhene svoej vsjo vremja govoril.

Eli mjaso muzhiki, pivom zapivali,
O chjom konjuh govoril, oni ne ponimali.

"Ja uznal nedavno: vse vy, kak ni stranno," -
Konjuh hriplym golosom progovoril,-
"S moej baboju vstrechalis' vtajne ot menja,
I pojetomu vseh vas sobral segodnja ja."

Eli mjaso muzhiki, pivom zapivali,
O chjom konjuh govoril, oni ne ponimali.

"Ja za nej ne usledil - v tom moja vina,

Eli mjaso muzhiki, pivom zapivali,
O chjom konjuh govoril, oni ne ponimali.
Eli mjaso muzhiki, pivom zapivali,
O chjom konjuh govoril, oni ne ponimali.
Korol i Shut (The King and the Jester) - The Lads Were Eating Meat (English translation)

The lads were sitting at the table, eating.
The stableman was serving meat to his guests.
Everybody was praising the meal; and the host was merry,
Constantly speaking of his wife.

The lads were eating meat, washing it down with beer.
The stableman was saying something, but they weren't paying attention.

"I found out lately, to my surprise, that all of you..." -
Said the stableman in a raspy voice, -
"... were 'courting' my woman, behind my back.
And this is why I gathered you all here today."

The lads were eating meat, washing it down with beer.
The stableman was saying something, but they weren't paying attention.

"I should've watched her more carefully. My bad.
But tell me this... DOESN'T SHE TASTE GOOD?"

The lads were eating meat, washing it down with beer.
The stableman was saying something, but they weren't paying attention.

The lads were eating meat, washing it down with beer.
The stableman was saying something, but they weren't paying attention.

Lyrics translation by MrWhooy
(   / mrwhooy  )

КиШ -- Ели мясо мужики // KiSH -- The lads were eating meat (English subtitles)
(   • Видео  )


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