Ravensworth castle, Lamesley, Gateshead. By drone.

Описание к видео Ravensworth castle, Lamesley, Gateshead. By drone.

The character of Alice in Wonderland was based on Alice Liddell who visited many times. https://apireloaded.wordpress.com/201...

Ravensworth Castle is a ruinous Grade II listed building and a Scheduled Ancient Monument situated at Lamesley, Tyne and Wear, England. ""Had the coal owners, among them the Liddells, not extracted coal from underneath the castle and so caused subsidence, the entire building may still be with us. There is little doubt that the magnificent castle would have been a huge tourist attraction, especially with its beautiful woodland surround. As it is, even the ruins are slowly being overgrown by foliage, a testament to the greed of the coal owners.""
Quoted from: https://www.sunnisidelocalhistorysoci...

Sleepwalker III
By Sergey Cheremisinov.


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