Dad Looks after Son And This Is What Happens!!

Описание к видео Dad Looks after Son And This Is What Happens!!

Mum was away with Amelia and Shane was looking after Nathan. He sends me this video of him doing zoomies outside through puddles like a speed demon! To be fair it was 17 degrees just overcast so he probably would have been splashing in his paddling pool had the sun have been out too. He had trousers on but they were just soaking up all the water at the bottom and kept dragging under his feet. The dogs take a seat and look a bit confused by the show! Nathan is such a boys boy he's just drawn to these kind of activities! He can't walk past a ball without kicking it either, a puddle without jumping in it, a tower of blocks without knocking it over! He had fun though and that's all that matter, even if he runs into Teddy and falls down, it's his commentary that makes it! He's starting to talk so much now.


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