TMCA Episode 121 - Master Inventor

Описание к видео TMCA Episode 121 - Master Inventor

Ted gets promoted after Costanza struggles with her thirst then drinks a quirk-b-gone to get rid of emotion bomb as Ripley works on her fabrication skill to get her promotion. Costy works on her spellcraft and sorcery in the magic realm, learning spells and potion recipes before shopping for her own wand and broom. After a few duels and a couple of curses, reaching adept status and purchasing perks, she heads home to continue making potions while Ripley fabricates, Costanza paints and Ted heads back to Batuu. He duels but only wins crystals, we find a water collector in the household inventory when he returns so after licensing his songs we pop it out to help with the bills which come in at around half what they were before. Ted gets another promotion after Ripley raises her fabrication skill and they do another high school project as a family. Ted magically duplicates his last quirk-b-gone after picking up emotion bomb again twice in a few days then, after putting another million in the vault, heads to Batuu to duel again. After getting only duplicate crystals and failing to find Kylo or Rey he finds the resistance resist too much so he heads home to drink the fourth quirk-b-gone then get promoted again. Ripley levels her logic skill as Costy brews and paints the mural, Ted reaches Master Inventor status and promptly quits then Ripley is promoted as Costy reaches Master Spellcaster.


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