D&D Ideas: Artifacts Vs. Magic Items

Описание к видео D&D Ideas: Artifacts Vs. Magic Items

D&D Ideas: Artifacts Vs. Magic Items #235
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Nerdarchist Dave's Under the Dome game at GenCon - https://www.gencon.com/events/259159
For USA August Castle, get a $200 discount to D&D in a Castle with Promo Code: NerdarchyCastleUSA24
D&D in a Castle with Nerdarchist Ted 18th - 22nd: https://dndinacastle.com/events/aug-1...
D&D in a Castle August 11- 15: https://www.dndinacastle.com/events/a...
Zoo Mafia on Kickstarter Pre-Launch -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...
Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty-Sided Tavern
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Deal: Enjoy 25% off your entire order when you use our promo code

Zoo Mafia RPG Quick Start Rule - https://nerdarchy.com/product/zoo-maf...


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