MUSHROOM HUNTING with BRIDGETTE | HEN of the WOODS | LIONS MANE | Virginia Edible Mushrooms

Описание к видео MUSHROOM HUNTING with BRIDGETTE | HEN of the WOODS | LIONS MANE | Virginia Edible Mushrooms

Bridgette and I decided to head out to our favorite mushroom hunting spot to see if we could find some of the best choice edible mushrooms that grow in Virginia and all along the east coast! We ended up filling our backpack full of Lions Mane Mushrooms and Maitake or Hen of the Woods Mushrooms. This is the perfect time of year to head out and look for mushrooms especially with all the rain we have been experiencing recently. Towards the end of the video, Bridgette and I get the opportunity to say hello to an Eastern Box Turtle who was also out foraging this afternoon!

*Bridgette wanted me to remind everyone that you should only harvest and consume mushrooms that you are able to identify with 1,000% confidence.

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