Discovery of the Chiral Majorana Fermion: Shoucheng Zhang

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Shoucheng Zhang (Stanford University) speaks at the Fred Kavli Special Symposium at the APS March Meeting 2018 in Los Angeles, CA. See abstract below.

Discovery of the chiral Majorana fermion and its application to topological quantum computing
Majorana fermion is a hypothetical fermionic particle which is its own anti-particle. Intense research efforts focus on its experimental observation as a fundamental particle in high energy physics and as a quasi-particle in condensed matter systems. We have theoretically predicted the chiral Majorana fermion in a hybrid structure of quantum anomalous Hall thin film coupled with a conventional superconductor, and proposed the half-integer quantized conductance plateau as its compelling signature. Recently, this theoretical prediction has been experimentally realized in magnetically doped topological insulator coupled with Nb superconductor and the half plateau quantization has been observed. I shall discuss a new proposal to braid the chiral Majorana fermion in a Corbino device geometry. The discovery of the chiral Majorana fermion leads to new avenues towards topological quantum computing, which could be much faster compared to Majorana zero modes.


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