The Degrees of Knowledge by Maritain VIII St John Cross, Practitioner of Contemplation

Описание к видео The Degrees of Knowledge by Maritain VIII St John Cross, Practitioner of Contemplation

by Jacques Maritain (1937)
VIII St. John of the Cross, Practitioner of Contemplation

In this chapter, Maritain explores the ideas of St. John of the Cross, a prominent Christian mystic of 1542-1591 a master of this incommunicable wisdom through the perfection of love and contemplation. Maritain compares St. John with Aquinas. And while Aquinas provides speculative understanding of divine truths, St. John of the Cross offers practical guidance for experiencing those truths. The goal is transformation in God through love which leads the mystic to the beatific vision, a profound, loving union with God, transcending the intellectual, and heaven.


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