[ENG/KOR] 미국 간호대생 Vlog | balancing work and school

Описание к видео [ENG/KOR] 미국 간호대생 Vlog | balancing work and school

정말 특별할것 하나없는 일상을 잘 나타낸 영상인것 같아요. 먹고 공부하고 학교가고 틈날때 일하고 또 공부하고 학교가고..실습날엔 실습하고..ㅋㅋㅋ저 학기는 정말 역대급으로 바빠서 저희 반 아이들 다 너무 힘들어했던 학기였습니다… 양이 너무많고 시간이 너무 없어서…이렇게 보니 바삐 살았던것도 추억이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ뭐 지금도 바쁘지만서도…
Nothing special but just ordinary life of mine as a nursing student. Eat,study, school, and work here and there.. then study and school again…That quarter was the businest quarter ever because loads and loads of assignment and things to do in limited short time. Everyone in my class struggled with it. This has became a good memory now I think about it though (I am still busy in this quarter)!

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