Imperial Borders 2-player prototype (part 1 of 7)

Описание к видео Imperial Borders 2-player prototype (part 1 of 7)

Here's a mostly raw (unpolished edit) playthrough of Imperial Borders - The Congress of Vienna (designed by Larry Harris) with Tom of Nightingale Games narrating and explaining some rules (after he said he wouldn't in the video).

This is part 1 (of 7) which includes setup, and most of Game Round 1. The game finished after about 4 hours or so. The remaining parts should be uploaded as they get processed over the next few days. This session gets off to a slow, somewhat awkward start but picks up speed and heat in later parts.

Play-testers are Crockett 36 (Prussia and France) and Chris (Great Britain and Austria)


Nightingale Games


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