Sonic: Fan Games/Hacks 526: Lara Underground (RAGE2016 Act 1)

Описание к видео Sonic: Fan Games/Hacks 526: Lara Underground (RAGE2016 Act 1)

(These are my simple game play videos)
(I can and will remove specific videos if its necessary/requested)

Name: Lara Underground Boom (RAGE2016 Act 1)
Credit: Mr Lange (Great Lange)
Release Date: January 23rd, 2016

My Website:


00:00 - Intro
00:29 - Title
00:40 - Overworld
09:58 - Ending
10:31 - Credits
11:27 - Game Over

NOTES: So I finally decided to try this game...
OH BOY so in this "Boom RAGE" entry that totally has a ton to do with Boom...
We get to play as Lara-Su a true rarity indeed...
So how do we get to spend this rare opportunity? Well by finding Ken.
In a world filled with... copyright papers that are out to murder us and also comedy.
Yeah comedy is an enemy... Kinda... Sorta... IT makes FUNNY things happen okay!
Anyway Lara makes her way forward... and only forward, because backwards is illegal.
Casually avoiding legal papers and the occasional floating "lol" she runs at incredible speeds.
Only to make contact with comedy sending her flying across the screen.
To deal with this she can do it the classic way... or fire BEAMS AT EM WITH A RECORDER!
But she is not alone in this... sometimes she comes across hallucinations of Ken guiding her.
Not that it maters since we can literally only go forward by design...
At one point Lara has second thoughts about this tho and attempts to go back only to be reminded no.
Ultimately she reaches her final destination and then... The game ends that's it there is no ending.
Roll credits.


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