Jesus, I Trust In You, sung by Angelina, EWTN

Описание к видео Jesus, I Trust In You, sung by Angelina, EWTN

Works of Mercy
Be Merciful as Your Father is Merciful
We are not only to receive the mercy of God, but to use it by being merciful to others through our actions, our words, and our prayers; in other words, we are to practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works (Acts) of Mercy.
The Lord wants us to do these works of mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no use without works.

For more on "Divine Mercy" go to

From the Spoken Word Album, "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy", Angelina traveled to Krakow, Poland then on to Lagiewniki Sanctuary of Divine Mercy where she met with the Congregation of Sister's of Our Lady of Mercy. Angelina's favorite place to have visited, Lagiewniki is filled with love and peace. A person can meditate and pray as they walk the grounds of this enormous area. The Basilica is truly magnificant with the tabernacle in the shape of the world.

We were to spend six (6) days of filming in Poland. It was our first stop of a three (3) week work schedule. I had spent over a month gathering different outfits appropriate for the filming of Angelina's videos. Upon arriving only one small hand held suitcase came off the baggage conveyor. Once over the shock that by no means our luggage was showing up in Poland, I looked around at the beauty and a peacefullness came over me and I began to say over and over to myself "Jesus, I Trust In You". What better time to put my fears and sadness into His hands. Angelina never once showed any anxiety. She was only 15 years old and again reminded me to have more faith and not to worry. We were able to break away for a time and go to the nearest mall. The clothes that Angelina is wearing in this video and "I Can Only Imagine" were from Poland.

Wishing you all a most Blessed Easter week and Divine Mercy Sunday! God's peace and blessings, Angelina Productions


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