ブレイブフロンティア【第三の試練「創造神マクスウェル」クリア】 Brave Frontier 3rd Trial Maxwell Clear Walkthrough

Описание к видео ブレイブフロンティア【第三の試練「創造神マクスウェル」クリア】 Brave Frontier 3rd Trial Maxwell Clear Walkthrough

Watch the 1 squad clear walkthrough here:    • ブレイブフロンティア 【第三の試練「マクスウェル」1PT撃破!】 Brav...  

Read the description for detailed information!
Watch about Maxwell's Review here :    • ブレイブフロンティア 【創造神マクスウェルのユニットレビュー】 Brave...  
#Updated Notes:
- Meteor = 5x1200 = 6k damage (it's not 4x1200 like how it was written in the video)
- Angelic Foils was not working on 2nd squad (It wasn't count as 1st turn)

Finally cleared it, after more than 60 blindly tries!! Very hard dungeon, even top rank people having trouble against this boss at the first day this dungeon was released. Watch and get some tips on how to defeat Maxwell in this video.

#Additional note: it's now easier to beat this trial using Dalvanshell (Fire unit from July 25 new unit series) and Exvell (Thunder unit from July 25 new unit series).

Have to clear 1st Trial (Karl), and 2nd Trial (Grahdens) to access the 3rd Trial.

Raised my Anima Lilith (and unlocked her SBB too) and Lord Mea just to beat this dungeon.

1st Boss: Juggernaut (Thunder)
2nd Boss: Abadon (Dark)
3rd Boss: Maxwell (Light)

1st squad's spheres:
Felneus = Orto Riguon (All stats+25%) & Evil Shard (BB gauge regen each turn)
Eltri = Danderuga (Atk+30%, HP+30%, BB regen each turn)
Melchio = Drevas (Def+30%, HP+30%, Immune all debuffs) & Omni Gizmo
(Increase HC BC drop rate when attacking)
Lodin = Orto Riguon (All stats+25%)
Lilith = Orto Riguon (All stats+25%)
Koru-Ouru = Danderuga & Evil Shard.

2nd squad's spheres:
Tilith = Orto Riguon (All stats+25%)
Koru-Ouru = Medulla Gem (All stats+20%)
And Angelic Foils for Mea, Duel-SGX, Michele, and Zephyr.

3rd Squad's spheres :
Felneus = Medulla Gem (All Stats+20%)
Elimo = Drevas (Def+30%, HP+30%, Immune all debuffs)
Ruza = Sacred Jewel (All stats+15%)
Lilith = Medulla Gem (All stats+20%)
Michele = Medulla Gem (All stats+20%)
Koru-Ouru = Drevas & Evil Shard (BB regen each turn)

Maxwell's Attack Pattern:
Sacred Song - Increase Atk for 3 turns and ignore def for 2 turns and revive buff. (every 4 turns)
Destiny - Single target ultimate attack. Fix damage around 14k doesn't matter what your element is. (every 5 turns)
Rune - Single target light elemental attack and dispel all buffs. Casted every 4 turns. (Usually come with Sacred Song)
Ressurection - Multiple target attack and heals herself around 5k-6k HP. Happens only when her HP become 50%, and random chance after that.
Meteor - Single target strong light attack, fix 1200x5 damage. Happens 1st time when her HP become around 70%, and random chance after that.
Endless - Multiple targets ultimate light attack. Happens when her HP around 20%.
Genesis - Multiple target light attack, can cause injury & weakness.

セイクリッドソング 攻撃防御UP3ターン+防御無視2ターン+リヴァイブ
ルーン buff無効化+光属性攻撃
ジェネシス 光属性全体攻撃+状態異常(怪我、弱体)
デスティニー 単体に超強力な光属性攻撃(即死クラス)発動条件(5ターン毎)
リザレクション 全体多段攻撃+自身を回復(5000~6000):発動条件(HP50%で使用、その後はランダムターンに発動)
ミーティア 単体に超強力な光属性攻撃(1200×5)数発:発動条件(HP60%付近でマクスウェルの会話後に発動、その後はランダム発動)
エンドレス 全体に超強力な光属性攻撃:発動条件(HP20%付近)
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