Franklin Special District: Excellence in Education

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Learn about the Franklin Special District and why its eight public schools in the Franklin, Tennessee community are considered among the best schools in the state. FSD serves approximately 3,200 students in eight schools: five elementary schools, one intermediate school, and two middle schools.
The FSD consistently ranks in the top 10% in the state on achievement scores and is number one in the state in student-teacher ratios and per-pupil expenditures (2021 State Report Card). We have a "whole child" philosophy and ensure our students have rigorous and challenging academic experiences as well as abundant experiences in the fine and performing arts, computer foundations, and physical education. STE(A)M opportunities, extracurricular offerings in sports, academics, and a host of clubs provide each student with a well-rounded education.
Relationships are at the core of our success and all of our schools have faculty and staff that place us first in the state in support services personnel per student.
Call, visit our website (, or email any of our administrators to learn more. Schedule a tour to see why we are the best place to learn and to work in Tennessee.


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