Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice "Che Faro Senza Euridice?" M. Horne

Описание к видео Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice "Che Faro Senza Euridice?" M. Horne

Orfeo has been allowed to bring back his wife from Hades as long as he does not look upon her face until they are back on earth. However, urged by Euridice, he turns around and looks at her and she immediately dies. Grief-stricken, he wonders what he will ever do without his love.

Che farò senza Euridice?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?
Euridice, o Dio, rispondi!
Io son pure il tuo fedele.

Euridice! Ah, non m´avanza
più soccorso, più speranza
ne dal mondo, ne dal ciel.


What will I do without Euridice?
Where will I go without my beloved?
Euridice, oh God, answer me!
Yet I still belong to you faithfully.

Euridice! Ah, no help comes to me anymore,
No hope anymore,
Neither from this world, nor from heaven.


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